Organising for Work (OfW) is a non-profit company. We will never sell advertising, or sell users' data to advertisers.
OfW claims no ownership of users' data.
While members can choose to reveal their private information (e.g. to specific employers), all members give their consent for their CV to appear to the general public on our website without the fields for their personal information (e.g. name, ID, phone number, references and document attachments).
All members consent to their branch’s volunteer staff, OfW staff and those authorised by OfW (predominantly prospective employers),
to view their full CV including their personal information.
All members consent to being placed with other members on groups that may reveal their phone number and email to everyone on the group (e.g. WhatsApp and email groups).
Users can withdraw your consent by removing their data from our website or by informing us that you would like to do so on
OfW will at no point use any of its data to provide targeted advertising services.
In order for OfW to provide the services that it does, the platform necessarily stores data regarding members. OfW has no requirement
for users to disclose their criminal record, debt or any other information whether prejudicial to them or not.
OfW reserves the right to provide aggregate data regarding trends in the use of the platform to other organisations, such as media
channels and public interest bodies.